Monday, August 24, 2009

Definitions Part 1

Define Grid - This can be defined as something that breaks up space into regular units; a regular system of coordinates

Why do designers use a grid? Benefits and functions?
- It helps designers organize the information they have. It increases uniformity throughout the page or design. The advantage of using a grid is that designers have a tested structure that they can input their information in. It's function is to help designers with a basic template.

Modular Grid - It's a grid that divides the whole into smaller parts called modules.

Define Margins - The area between live space and the outer edge of the design

Define Columns - A line of units following one after another
Define Grid Modules - smaller parts of a grid that hold information

Define Flow lines - Lines that go between symbols our characters
Define Gutter - The space between modules

Define Hierarchy - A system where individual objects or categories are ranked by importance or features

Ways to achieve clear hierarchy - Placement, weight or type size, scale, graphic elements

Define Type Family - A set of type faces that have the same design characteristics

Define Type Styles - Weights: regular, bold, italic - Widths: regular, condensed, extended

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