Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vis Con - Reading 1

During the first part of the reading, which had to do with trademarks, all I could think about was the trademarks for Honda and Hyundai. They are so similar in size, shape, and color. The only real difference is the slant, and since these are mostly advertised on the actual car they represent, the fast moving vehicle is not really a good place to promote two extremely similar trademarks.

The next part was about communication. It mostly made me think of how technology really does use what they describe. The part about the graphics as a way of communicating ideas, values, and beliefs to the viewer really made me think about the business class I took in high school. We had to design a logo that when people saw it, they could easily identify the brand and what the meaning and philosophies behind the brand are.

The comic part...I didn't really enjoy it, nor did it make me think about anything more than X-Men.

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