Monday, May 3, 2010
Journal 11
Design Matters is a weekly radio show where Debbie starts out usually with a story of her own life or experiences and ties it into the artist she interviews.
I listened to Stefan Sagmeister. I had previously watched the TED talk about his views on happiness. His formula to take a year off every seven years seems like a really good idea. 6 years of straight work seems like a lot, but when you think about it, most people work for 50 years in a row. The habbit of taking a year off gives you time to clear your mind and develop a new appreciation for design without getting disgusted with it. 6 years of work with only 7 off still gives you mass exposure to people without them forgetting who you are.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Journal 10
Sunday, April 4, 2010
HW - Speeches
JFK Inaugural Address
1. Who is speaking?
a. John F. Kennedy
2. Why was/is the speech important?
a. During a time of racial tension and there was a need for an increase of civil rights. War was looming and soviet aggression was spreading.
3. Why do you feel in is important or interesting?
a. The speech focuses on freedom. This is what America feels is its greatest calling is to spread and keep people and countries free. Even now, we fight for our rights and liberties. People always demand things of the government, but never think about the actions they can take to better their own situation. This is definitely an issue in America today with health care, Iraq, obesity, and welfare.
4. What is the emotion, mood, tone, personality, feeling of the speech?
a. Emotion: hopeful with caution built in
b. Mood: inspirational
c. Tone: forceful
d. Personality: Serious and in askance
e. Feeling of the speech: Powerful, gets people to react and move
5. What is intonation, emphasis, what is loud, stressed, or soft? Where are the pauses?
6. What do you FEEL should be loud or soft, long pause or rushed?
7. Is there a call to action?
a. To get people involved in the country. Everyone should take a stand, not just the government
8. When listening to it, what are key/emphasized words?
9. How does it make you feel?
a. Stirred to action. Ready for change. Hopeful that my actions can make a difference
10. How do you image the audience felt?
a. Very uplifting, gave confidence that he was the right man for the presidency (from daddy) Proud to be an American
11. Could there be another interpretation of the speech?
a. Foreign leaders might have felt this was a warning, especially communist leaders.
12. Write/find a short bio, of the person giving the speech:
On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; he was the youngest to die.
Of Irish descent, he was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. Graduating from Harvard in 1940, he entered the Navy. In 1943, when his PT boat was rammed and sunk by a Japanese destroyer, Kennedy, despite grave injuries, led the survivors through perilous waters to safety.
Back from the war, he became a Democratic Congressman from the Boston area, advancing in 1953 to the Senate. He married Jacqueline Bouvier on September 12, 1953. In 1955, while recuperating from a back operation, he wrote Profiles in Courage, which won the Pulitzer Prize in history.
In 1956 Kennedy almost gained the Democratic nomination for Vice President, and four years later was a first-ballot nominee for President. Millions watched his television debates with the Republican candidate, Richard M. Nixon. Winning by a narrow margin in the popular vote, Kennedy became the first Roman Catholic President.
His Inaugural Address offered the memorable injunction: "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." As President, he set out to redeem his campaign pledge to get America moving again. His economic programs launched the country on its longest sustained expansion since World War II; before his death, he laid plans for a massive assault on persisting pockets of privation and poverty.
Responding to ever more urgent demands, he took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights, calling for new civil rights legislation. His vision of America extended to the quality of the national culture and the central role of the arts in a vital society.
He wished America to resume its old mission as the first nation dedicated to the revolution of human rights. With the Alliance for Progress and the Peace Corps, he brought American idealism to the aid of developing nations. But the hard reality of the Communist challenge remained.
Shortly after his inauguration, Kennedy permitted a band of Cuban exiles, already armed and trained, to invade their homeland. The attempt to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro was a failure. Soon thereafter, the Soviet Union renewed its campaign against West Berlin. Kennedy replied by reinforcing the Berlin garrison and increasing the Nation's military strength, including new efforts in outer space. Confronted by this reaction, Moscow, after the erection of the Berlin Wall, relaxed its pressure in central Europe.
Instead, the Russians now sought to install nuclear missiles in Cuba. When this was discovered by air reconnaissance in October 1962, Kennedy imposed a quarantine on all offensive weapons bound for Cuba. While the world trembled on the brink of nuclear war, the Russians backed down and agreed to take the missiles away. The American response to the Cuban crisis evidently persuaded Moscow of the futility of nuclear blackmail.
Kennedy now contended that both sides had a vital interest in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and slowing the arms race--a contention which led to the test ban treaty of 1963. The months after the Cuban crisis showed significant progress toward his goal of "a world of law and free choice, banishing the world of war and coercion." His administration thus saw the beginning of new hope for both the equal rights of Americans and the peace of the world.
Address on Vietnam War - Spiro Agnew
Address on Vietnam (4-09) – Spiro Agnew
1. Who is speaking?
a. Spiro Agnew
2. Why was/is the speech important?
a. There were many riots going on about the Vietnam War. He was addressing the ignorance of the youth involved in these acts hoping to stop their rioting
3. Why do you feel in is important or interesting?
a. I like this speech a lot because it makes me think about my generation and the music that has been inflamed by Bush’s acts in Iraq. Everyone took the “anti-government” side without really considering why America did what they did. They didn’t try to change things by listening to both sides or helping volunteer. Bands just made more music about how crappy American government was (Green Day’s American Idiot) and their followers just jumped on the band wagon. Now we are more conscious about supporting the soldiers, but the feeling is the same; senseless war and senseless death
4. What is the emotion, mood, tone, personality, feeling of the speech?
a. Emotion: Outraged by the stupidity in our country
b. Mood: Scornful
c. Tone: Scolding
d. Personality: Intelligent and thought out, but more as an upset adult yelling at stupid kids
e. Feeling of the speech: Makes you feel like an idiot
5. What is intonation, emphasis, what is loud, stressed, or soft? Where are the pauses?
6. What do you FEEL should be loud or soft, long pause or rushed?
7. Is there a call to action?
a. To get the youth more interested in knowing the facts and stop just following others and making trouble
8. When listening to it, what are key/emphasized words?
9. How does it make you feel?
a. It makes me want to make an effort in learning about which government topics I feel strongly about. It makes me want to think through decisions instead of acting rash.
10. How do you image the audience felt?
a. Defensive. They believed what they were doing was right.
11. Could there be another interpretation of the speech?
a. People who were not involved in the war really didn’t think anything about Agnew’s address. Also, he was the VP…who remembers the VP’s speeches? My parents don’t
Write/find a short bio, of the person giving the speech:
(b. Baltimore, 9 Nov. 1918; d. 17 Sept. 1996) US; Vice-President, 1968 – 73 Agnew was a new "ethnic" American, born the son of a Greek immigrant father. He dropped out of Johns Hopkins University and then studied law in his spare time. After war service he became a lawyer and entered Baltimore politics. He rose rapidly and was elected Republican Governor for Maryland in 1966. At this time he was a relatively liberal figure in the party. He achieved national prominence for his tough law and order stand in handling the riots in Baltimore which followed the killing of Martin Luther King. In his bid for the presidency in 1968 the Republican Richard Nixon selected Agnew to be his running mate. Agnew was a compromise figure, acceptable to conservatives in the south and the border states, as well as to the liberals. Nixon was also aware of private polls which indicated that all leading candidates would on balance hurt his election chances, but Agnew would not. As Vice-President, Agnew carried the attacks to Nixon's critics over the Vietnam War and his speech writers gifted him many colourful phrases. He claimed to speak for the "silent majority" and attacked the media as "nattering nabobs of negativism". These abrasive speeches pleased the right wing and articulated some concerns over the role of the media. Not long after he and Nixon were re-elected in 1972 Agnew was accused of taking bribes, or kick-backs, from contractors in Maryland. He denied the charges but in court did not contest the charges of evading federal income tax and he resigned in disgrace. Only one other Vice-President, J. C. Calhoun in the nineteenth century, had resigned, and that was because of political differences with the President.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Journal 9
Monday, March 29, 2010
Journal 8
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Get Inspired
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Prehistoric Timeline
Project Overview: This project really challenged us to organize information chronologically and just plain logically. I had issues with this because I was working with 4 billion years. I chose to do a DNA time line because secretly Prehistoric History is about evolution...shhh...we're in Kansas. The project went very quick, and when we turned them in it felt like everyone just had their own mini project because we never did class critics.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
30 (5) Design Conversations
More graphic designers need to get the credit they deserve for the work that they've done.
Linda Tischler – Design of Central Park by Frederick Law Olmsted. Harmony due to the design of all the people who use the park.
What problem should design solve next – Subprime mortgage crisis...supersize houses. Landscape of housing that doesn't serve our needs. Future design? Smaller houses with exquisite design. Green design. Community design.
Erik Spiekermann – Design – invention of the alphabet. Garmon typeface original. Meta and Meta Serif by Spiekermann. Designer thrives on constraints. Artists are allowed to go anywhere. They do not work for others. HAHA oh the last thing he says...go watch.
Brian Deputy – Design transcends with a chair. Mold plywood to the shape of the body. Aluminum is cast. Leather is a covering. Form and function are melded beautifully.
Problem – Design doesn't solve problems, people do. Design motivates and causes people to act. If the design works than any problem is solved.
Nathan Shedroff – Design – Nutrition Facts label. Clear and easy to use. Amount and type of information to the public for the first time. Impacts people's lives everyday. It may seem utilitarianism because it has zero ornamentation. It does, however, allow people to change their diet by letting them see what they are going to put into their bodies.
Problem – Shape new economics indicators. Create an economy that reflects our values. Source of destruction is great for the country... Designers create models and create possible solutions. Designers should help business people come to better models that will help make policies that lead to a better life.
As for me? An example of good design is probably the qwerty keyboard. Have you ever thought about how much time went into deciding where to place the letters? Or how far about they needed to be? Or the person who decided keeping your fingers based on the "home" keys? Just a very smart design.
A problem design can solve...cell phone GUIs. They have gotten better at it, but come one...there are still a lot of problems. I think they need to stop relying on the programmers and get some great designers in there. Yea the iphone is probably the closest to being good...but it still needs work. The organization of web information on a phone is ridiculous. We should get the whole internet with out sacrficing legibility. Sweet you can zoom zooms out every refresh. Plus if you zoom in, you lose the whole picture of the site. I think somehow this can be resolved.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Final Book Covers

to change in condition, nature, or character; convert.
to suggest that hope can survive in even the most dire of situations
to suggest that the weak can become strong
to suggest that life can be intense
to suggest that fear can be conquered
to suggest that secrets are kept 'til the end
Bruce Mau
Great liberty exists when we avoid trying to run with the technological pack. We can’t find the leading edge because it’s trampled underfoot. Try using old-tech equipment made obsolete by an economic cycle but still rich with potential.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Gathering Ideas
Sunday, February 14, 2010
20 Rules
Be Decisive - Everything in the design should be placed there for a reason. If it is just random or an afterthought, the cohesiveness of the design could break down.
Pick Colors on Purpose - Colors have meaning tied to them, they evoke certain emotions or conjure up certain images. A great color scheme can relate a certain message even before the design registers in the viewer's mind.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Chip Kidd & John Gall
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Type - Audience and Concepts
Emma is a seventeen-year-old girl living at home with her parents and in her senior year of high school. She is part of National Honors Society and enjoys helping out in her community. She currently does not have a job, but she is very active with school activities.
Emma was always a reader starting at a very young age. As she has grown, so has her taste in books. She has always been fascinated by sociology and psychology. Human relationships interest her greatly. She is the vice president of an outreach program that tries to help troubled families. She feels fulfilled from her work.
Emma is already filling out applications for colleges, and she is having a hard time declaring her major. She is torn between psychology, sociology, or just getting into the field of being a social worker. She plans on getting a job near her college to help her parents pay the bills. She has applied as a receptionist to several companies. When she does have extra time on her hands, Emma is either campaigning or helping her community.
Shattered Hope
Shattered –to break into pieces
- to damage, impair, destroy, weaken, burst, crack, crush, ruin, splinter, wreck, fragment
Hope - the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best, a particular instance of this feeling, a person or thing in which expectations are centered: The medicine was her last hope.
- desire, believe, trust, anticipation, aspiration, faith, goal, gain, security, stock, life, wish, optimism, prospect, promise
Hopeful Fear
Hopeful – full of hope, expressing hope – promising a bright future/success/advantage
- assured, at ease, buoyant, calm, cheerful, comfortable, content, confident, eager, elated, enthusiastic, light-hearted, serene, trusting
Fear - a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid/concern or anxiety; solicitude/a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling
- agitation, alarm, apprehension, anxiety, aversion, concern, doubt, distress, dread, nightmare, panic, scare, suspicion, terror, trepidation, worry, uneasy, shudder, shun, flinch, fret, falter, despair
Beautiful Agony
Beautiful - having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about/wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying
- attractive, fair, lovely, pretty, alluring, angelic, appealing, divine, elegant, stunning, sublime, charming, classy, radiant
Agony - extreme and generally prolonged pain; intense physical or mental suffering/the struggle preceding natural death: mortal agony/ a display or outburst of intense mental or emotional excitement
- affliction, anguish, distress, misery, torment, torture
Type - Journal 01

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Phase One Research

Knowing your target audience. Use imagery that appeals to that demographic and also is a good representation of your book.
2. Change of Heart
3. Picture Perfect
Things break all the time. Day breaks, waves break, voices break. Promises break. Hearts break.
Every expectant parent will tell you that they don't want a perfect baby, just a healthy one. Charlotte and Sean O'Keefe would have asked for a healthy baby, too, if they'd been given the choice. Instead, their lives are made up of sleepless nights, mounting bills, the pitying stares of "luckier" parents, and maybe worst of all, the what-ifs. What if their child had been born healthy? But it's all worth it because Willow is, well, funny as it seems, perfect. She's smart as a whip, on her way to being as pretty as her mother, kind, brave, and for a five-year-old an unexpectedly deep source of wisdom. Willow is Willow, in sickness and in health.
Everything changes, though, after a series of events forces Charlotte and her husband to confront the most serious what-ifs of all. What if Charlotte should have known earlier of Willow's illness? What if things could have been different? What if their beloved Willow had never been born? To do Willow justice, Charlotte must ask herself these questions and one more. What constitutes a valuable life?
Emotionally riveting and profoundly moving, Handle with Care brings us into the heart of a family bound by an incredible burden, a desperate will to keep their ties from breaking, and, ultimately, a powerful capacity for love. Written with the grace and wisdom she's become famous for, beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult offers us an unforgettable novel about the fragility of life and the lengths we will go to protect it.
Change of Heart
The acclaimed #1 New York Times bestselling author presents a spellbinding tale of a mother's tragic loss and one man's last chance at gaining salvation.
Can we save ourselves, or do we rely on others to do it? Is what we believe always the truth?
One moment June Nealon was happily looking forward to years full of laughter and adventure with her family, and the next, she was staring into a future that was as empty as her heart. Now her life is a waiting game. Waiting for time to heal her wounds, waiting for justice. In short, waiting for a miracle to happen.
For Shay Bourne, life holds no more surprises. The world has given him nothing, and he has nothing to offer the world. In a heartbeat, though, something happens that changes everything for him. Now, he has one last chance for salvation, and it lies with June's eleven-year-old daughter, Claire. But between Shay and Claire stretches an ocean of bitter regrets, past crimes, and the rage of a mother who has lost her child.
Would you give up your vengeance against someone you hate if it meant saving someone you love? Would you want your dreams to come true if it meant granting your enemy's dying wish?
Once again, Jodi Picoult mesmerizes and enthralls readers with this story of redemption, justice, and love.
Picture Perfect
Jodi Picoult's novels have been hailed as "engrossing" (People) and "addictively readable" (Entertainment Weekly). Now, the author of Salem Falls and Plain Truth examines the fault lines of a troubled marriage in Picture Perfect-an "unfailingly intelligent...undeniably literary psychological drama."(Booklist) "Picoult writes with an all-knowing and piercing eye. Hers is an important book from a talented writer we hope to hear from again and again." (Library Journal) To the outside world, they seem to have it all. Cassie Barrett, a renowned anthropologist, and Alex Rivers, one of Hollywood's hottest actors, met on the set of a motion picture in Africa. They shared childhood tales, toasted the future, and declared their love in a fairy-tale wedding. But when they return to California, something alters the picture of their perfect marriage. A frightening pattern is taking shape-a cycle of hurt, denial, and promises, thinly veiled by glamour. Torn between fear and something that resembles love, Cassie wrestles with questions she never dreamed she would face: How can she leave? Then again, how can she stay?
Associated Word List
secrets, mystery, drama, love, relationships, honest, lies, passion, anger, fear, emotional, many point of views, joy, religion, family, medical, enigma, problems, thriller, affection, prejudice, caring, pity, concern, compassion, humanity, fidelity, frailty, mortal, bravery, soul, purpose, fortitude, devotion, weakness, angst, panic, anxiety, doubt, distress, nightmare, revulsion, suspicion, terror, jittery, courage, depressing, dismal, glum, morbid, pensive, pessimistic, troubled, wistful, empty, intense, dark, hopeful, wretched, wishful, prayer, trust, endurance, faith, frustration, suspense
Key Words:
Love - a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend
Brave - possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching/courage: a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear/fearlessness: feeling no fear
Frailty - wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
Dark - gloomy; cheerless; dismal/evil; iniquitous; wicked/hard to understand; obscure
Hopeful - bright: full or promise/the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best
Distress - great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble/that which causes pain, suffering, trouble, danger
Humanity - the quality or condition of being human; human nature/the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence
Mystery - anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown/any affair, thing, or person that presents features or qualities so obscure as to arouse curiosity or speculation/obscure, puzzling, or mysterious quality or character
Suspense - a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome, usually accompanied by a degree of apprehension or anxiety
Intense - acute, strong, or vehement, as sensations, feelings, or emotions/of an extreme kind; very great, as in strength, keenness, severity, or the like
To Suggest
to suggest that love is complex
to suggest that hope can survive in even the most dire of situations
to suggest that the weak can become strong
to suggest that life can be intense
to suggest that fear can be conquered
to suggest that secrets are kept 'til the end
1."Vows are spoken/To be broken/Feelings are intense/Words are trivial/Pleasures remain/So does the pain/Words are meaningless/And forgettable" Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
2. "Precious and fragile things/Need special handling/My God what have we done to You?/We always try to share/The tenderest of care/Now look what we have put You through..." Depeche Mode - Precious
3. "He never knew what to say... He wished he'd learned long ago how to put into words the feeling that if she was gone, if she ever left, he would cease to exist."
4. "Once you had put the pieces back together, even though you may look intact, you were never quite the same as you'd been before the fall."
5. "Torn between fear and something that resembled love, she wrestled with questions she never dreamed she would face: How could she leave? Then again, how could she stay?"
6. "To live is like to love--all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it." Samuel Butler
7. "Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other." Laurence Sterne
8. He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if it were only one.
9. "Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world."
10. "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."